As of 1st November 2024, the practice will no longer accept prescription requests through any pharmacy
This includes blister packed medication
How do I request my medication?
Sign up online with Eastwood Group Practice (i.e. via SystmOnline or NHS app – contact the surgery if you require any support with this)
Hand deliver your prescription request on paper (with your name and date of birth clearly recorded) to your regular branch
Post your requests with a stamped address envelope
Housebound patients can call the surgery to request their medications. This prescriptions line will be open from 10am-2pm Monday to Friday.
With your consent, ask relatives to complete a proxy form to request on your behalf and order your requests online.
Patients unable to request medication and do not have relatives or carers to request, please contact the surgery directly.
Why are we changing how to request?
There is a risk that by allowing pharmacies to order your medications for you, medications you do not need (as there is enough stock at home) will be prescribed. This incurs additional cost to the surgery and the NHS. We feel that by patients taking control of their medication and liaising directly with the surgery, we will reduce this additional cost to the surgery.
We are here to support you with this change – please get in touch if you require any support.
Eastwood Group Practice
Repeat prescriptions
For repeat prescription requests, please allow 48 hours for your prescriptions to be reviewed and processed by our clinical team.
We do not accept requests for medications over the phone.
To request a repeat prescription, you can:
- You can order your repeat prescriptions online through the NHS app or our SystmOnline patient portal SystmOnline Login
- This secure online service allows you to request medications, view your allergies, and book appointments.
- Hand-written request: Please clearly state your name, date of birth, the medication names, and dosages required.
Our clinical team regularly reviews your medications to ensure they remain appropriate and safe. During these reviews, we may occasionally stop or change certain medications or request that you speak with a doctor about a specific item. Additionally, we conduct an annual medication review, during which you may be invited to discuss your medications with a doctor.
Registering for SystmOnline
Our practice uses the SystmOne clinical system, which includes the SystmOnline patient portal. To register for online services, please speak with our friendly reception staff. Once registered, your username and password will be sent to you via email or SMS.
Please visit SystmOnline – TPP to log in to SystmOnline.
Using SystmOnline allows you to request repeat medications conveniently, view your allergies, and book appointments online.
Finally, we appreciate your cooperation in following these procedures for repeat prescription requests, as it helps us provide efficient and safe medication management for all our patients.