Same-day appointments
- Call at 8 AM – issued on a first-come, first-served basis
- Calling early is recommended as slots fill up quickly
Pre-booked appointments
- Schedule 1-2 weeks in advance by calling in the afternoon on a Monday
Emergency clinics:
Available every morning and afternoon at all branches
While we have a high appointment ratio for our patient population, you may not always be able to see your preferred doctor at your desired time. All doctors rotate between the three sites.
Extended hours:
Monday, Wednesday: 5 PM to 8:00 PM at Belfairs
Thursday: 5 PM to 8:00 PM at Rayleigh Road
Nurse appointments available during extended hours on Mondays and Thursdays
Intended for patients who cannot attend during regular hours.
Out of hours:
Between 6:30 PM – 8 AM, an emergency triage service provides GP appointments at local hospitals (Southend, Basildon, Brentwood, Grays).
Call your usual branch number to access this service. For life-threatening emergencies, call 999. For non-emergency advice, contact NHS 111.
Home visits:
Offered for patients physically unable to attend the surgery (elderly, frail, bedridden). Not intended for convenience. Home visits should be requested before 10:30 AM.
You can book appointments and view your schedule in advance through SystmOnline if you have internet access.